A Video History Of the Massacre which occured at Rosewood, Florida, in January 1923.

Gainesville Sun Stories Series on YouTube

The Gainesville Sun shares a series of stories about the 1923 Rosewood Massacre. A three part series with part two being about remembering Rosewood.
House for Sale
Mary Hall Daniels
UF professor Steve Noll

1997 Rosewood Movie now on YouTube

John Singleton on the film"Rosewood".

Rosewood tragedy has a heroe, Mr. Man, named Sylvester Carrier.

Fannie Taylor tells the liethat begins the tragic events of the Rosewood massacre.

Rosewood History on Youtube

In 1983 Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes reportsstory of Rosewood.

Historian Marvin Dunndiscusses the history of Rosewood.

Michael McCarthydiscusses.

Remembering Rosewoodis a 25 minute video about ongoing research to document the development and destruction of this historic African American community. Rosewood was home to a prosperous, majority African American community dating to the late 19th century.

Discussion of the documentary, Rosewood Massacre the Untold Story.

Secrets of RosewoodFlorida directed by Mark Mitchell.

Black History Month: Congressman Al Lawson, Jr

US History project in high school Rosewood Massacre 1923

Rosewood, Florida, John Robinson, George Boston Rhynes (At Old Prince Hall Masons) Talk

Minnie Lee Langley, Lee Ruth Davis, and Janie Bradley Black are the peoplein this Rosewood video. Minnie and Lee Ruth are deceased. Only Janie is living today.


June 25, 2018 - To Remember Rosewood, An Effort To Turn Its Last House Into A Museum.

The civil rights era in living memory Black History Matters

2005 - Remembering Rosewood Author/Historian Sherry DuPree and Host Jeremy Williams Radio Broadcast

The Black Church~ Smithsonian and Schomburg Archivist, Professor Dupree Audio

Rosewood Race Riot Massacre- Survivors' DescendantsIda B . Wells, Anti-Lynching Lobbyist Speech Read by Ruby Dee! The Gist of Freedom is pleased to present interviews with attendees and discussants from the UNESCO TST, Florida Conference- Veteran's Day weekend of November 9th-11th, 2012 Radio Broadcast

Wilmington’s 1898 Massacre

Film on Wilmington’s 1898 massacre makes it to big screen Preview

Rosa Parks Awards Ceremony

2012 - 7th annual Rosa Parks Quiet Courage awards ceremonyat Gainesville, FL ( DuPree viewing section 51.39-105.49)

Rosewood Heritage Foundation Inc
Miami, Florida 33147